Current Fitness Protocols

Overall Health of US and Worldwide Population

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) chronic diseases have become the leading cause of death and disability accounting for 70% of deaths in the United States. Chronic health conditions such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are widespread and rising dramatically. The US Centers for Disease Control reported that 57% were caused by cardiovascular disease and cancer, and nearly 80% of these deaths could have been prevented if a healthy lifestyle was followed.

Research has shown low-back pain to be primary cause for musculoskeletal dysfunction affecting 80% of all adults. Also, studies indicate that skeletal and muscular injuries are at all-time high than it was 40 years. Annually, an estimated 100 million visits in the United States are made for low-back problems, knee, ankle and foot problems.

The guidelines of US Surgeon General and fitness training organizations indicate that regular exercise of 2.5 hours a week that includes aerobic conditioning, weight and flexibility training will improve health and reduce the risk of developing or dying from leading causes of illness and death.

However, if the overall health in the U.S. and worldwide is steadily declining and the current concepts of conventional fitness and exercise methodology in the present form fall short of keeping human body fit and healthy.

Regular Exercise and Fitness Results

Literature points out that exercising regularly is sufficient to sustain appropriate levels of fitness. The prevailing notion is that a training regimen comprising of “weights”, “cardio” and stretching addresses all of the body’s needs. These are common misconceptions that can make your body becoming dysfunctional in the long-term. Fitness outcomes are lagging for general populations and inadequate training results are not of concern across the fitness industry icluding athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Typical training routines do not provide a rate of progression resulting in little or no fitness improvements. However, it is broadly misunderstood by using a workout “routine” you may drive your body progressively into plateau.

You might assume that regular workouts keep your body conditioned, however, it is broadly misunderstood that by using a workout “routine” you may drive your body progressively into a nut. As a result, when a plateau is reached the physical and mental condition will level off and start deteriorating.

This means that the body has to be constantly and properly stimulated beyond present condition. What makes this problem challenging is that training approaches of changing daily workouts in a random order will not contribute to successful results.

Integrated Musculoskeletal System

The very first and most important thing for you to know, before even beginning a fitness regimen of any kind, is how your body is designed to function from anatomical viewpoint. It is widely misunderstood that muscular actions must be integrated with joint skeletal motions, otherwise, human movement efficincy is compromised. Starting your training without the knowledge of skeletal joint movement will cause dysfunction and injury to your body.

The principles of human anatomy must reflect the body’s mechanical properties for performing fitness training in optimal fashion. Movement patterns should be assessed and, if necessary, corective measures need to be designed before starting fitness training. In fact, improper movement for a long period can lead to musculoskeletal pain disorders and may prevent you from sustaining physically-active lifestyle.